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“Knowledge is Power. Action is Strength”

As global educationalists, artists and people of the world; we have a responsibility to ensure easy access of holistic education for children from all segments of society; regardless of social standing, familial & financial background, race, religion, nationality, language, gender or skin color.

Working with generous corporate and individual sponsors, we visit both local and international organizations, children’s homes and orphanages, and hospitals in providing enrichment experiences.

We also collaborate with non-profit organizations to bring awareness towards issues that affect our environment, animal and wildlife, aid in volunteerism and rescue during and post natural disasters and crisis.

Meanwhile, within our organization/offices, we;

* Practice a paperless administrative system to contributes towards a greener world,

* Practice the 3R; Reduce, Reuse and Recycle with our materials,

* Invite groups of children from organizations and orphanages to attend our Annual Art Season for free.

If you would like to either collaborate with us or sponsor one of our projects, please do not hesitate to contact us at It takes a village to raise every child right.

Community Cabinet @ Studio 77

Studio 77 by Stage for Kids Global has setup space for the Community Cabinets & Public Bookshelf. Everyone’s invited to donate items by placing them in these cabinets. These items are free for anyone to take.
You are welcome to donate food items (non-perishables only), tools, supplies, books and other small items for sharing with those who may need them.
If your child is in a Stage for Kids Program in school; you are welcome to donate your items by handing them over to our trainers.

We’ve been getting amazing responses and donations; and we’re grateful to be able to provide the space for everyone.

Thank you!

xx Team @ Stage for Kids Global

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