The Drama, Communication & Character Development Program is a holistic & exploratory enrichment program using drama as a vessel for theatre education/experience, effective communication, & self/character development. Art is integrated into the curriculum for the program @ Studio 77.
This program @ Studio 77 is most suited for children ages between 5 to 8 years old; benefitting the most from the interaction, experimentation and exploration in games, challenges, storytelling, song, movement and dramatization within this space.
All participants become actors; and these actors immerse in different weekly lessons plans; each with either a fresh learning objective or one to enhance a previous goal. Actors move between Learning Stations in the classroom; both indoor and outdoor. Our Studio 77 has a conducive environment; both indoor and outdoor.
We strive to inspire, educate, cultivate, motivate and enhance the following skills, abilities, and knowledge: introduce, practice and improve drama mechanics and elements, cultivate confidence in communication, conversation, & creative expressions, inspire and develop good & positive habits and inter/intra-personal skills, and develop character to become exceptional individuals. The best part? Our classes are fun!
Every Term, in addition to our indoor lessons, we will also commit to:
- Outdoor games, challenges and activities – we love the sun, the greens and the fresh breeze.
- Baking Day! We will get to bake as a team once a term, and hopefully, get to enjoy our fruits of labor with our families!
- Create a group project to benefit one of the following: Art Objective, Social Awareness Objective, Literacy Objective, Environmental Objective.
- Get to create – through the term – an end of term video for sharing with families and friends.… and more!
For Semester Two 2024; we have adopted a list of classic Disney Musicals as module inspiration; and these are Bedknobs & Broomsticks, The Land Before Time & Ferngully, the Last Rainforest. The sessions will include the following subjects:
- Finding courage to explore
- Playing our parts in the team
- Characterization: how to create a character – role play
- Let’s Make Cookies!
- Art: Valley of Trees & Tulips… others.
Lessons for each age-groups will be conducted appropriately according to the learning needs, skills and abilities of each age group.
A 10-15 minute snack break will take place around the middle of each session (only basic biscuits or bread will be available if need, families are encouraged to pack snacks for each lesson.
All foods/ingredients used/sourced are halal-labeled. Please let us know of your child’s food allergies.
The Principal Trainer for Studio 77 classes is, Teacher Emil; who is both First Aid Trained & Certified, and Food Safety & Food Handling Certified.
Join us, and register now!
Studio 77 Classes Led by Stage for Kids Global Founder, Teacher Emil
Principal Trainer, Founder and CEO of Stage for Kids Global, Teacher Emil, will lead classes in Studio 77; supported by exceptional Teacher Assistants. For nearly two decades, Teacher Emil has been teaching both children and adults all over the world in drama, character development, speech confidence, and art/creative expressions . Now, in addition to running Stage for Kids Global, Teacher Emil teaches in Studio 77 in Singapore.
The program available in Studio 77 is the Drama, Communication & Character Development Program; falling into the three age groups:
- Epic Adventures (5-6years old)
- Stage Heroes (6+-8 years old)
Teacher Emil is…
* CPR + AED trained and certified
* Certified in Food Safety & Food Handling
Address: 77 Indus Road, #01-499, Singapore 160077
Community Cabinet @ Studio 77
Studio 77 by Stage for Kids Global has setup space for the Community Cabinets & Public Bookshelf. Everyone’s invited to donate items by placing them in these cabinets. These items are free for anyone to take.
You are welcome to donate food items (non-perishables only), tools, supplies, books and other small items for sharing with those who may need them.
If your child is in a Stage for Kids Program in school; you are welcome to donate your items by handing them over to our trainers.
We’ve been getting amazing responses and donations; and we’re grateful to be able to provide the space for everyone.
Thank you!
xx Team @ Stage for Kids Global