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Studio 77 Camps

March camp 2024 registration!

How to Register? SIMPLY DOWNLOAD THE PROGRAM PLAN, fill up the registration form and send it to us via sh***@st**********.com. You may make payment using the two options below. Option 1: Direct payment to stage for kids (paynow uen or qr code) or option 2: payment via card, google pay, apple pay through stripe platform.
option 1: direct payment
please input either $360 for the half day or $480 for the Full Day option. you may scan the code, or USE the paynow stage for kids uen number.
uen number: 201804901Z
option 2: via stripe ($15 dollar processing fee included)
payment via card, google pay, apple pay, paynow.
Or QR Code for this payment option – Full Day Option

stage for kids A qr code with the words scan to pay.

Or QR Code for this payment option – Half Day Option

stage for kids A qr code with the words scan to pay.


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